Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Speaking proper English or Filipino always with kindness"

Speaking in English or Filipino properly is much better for me.We understand each other specially when we go abroad.People in other country always saying that we "Filipino" are good in speaking in English.But stiil some "Filipinos" are speaking with their own dialect.How can we encourage them to speak in English or Filipino Properly?
Beingn a senior student,English and Filipino is a vital language.It is very important specially English because it is the International language.Most of us knows how to speak in English.We need to speak in English because wherever we go,we are using it.But some can"t really express their words by speaking in English.How can we encourage them?We can encourage them by compaining it like Filipino and English Club did in our school.It helps us mostly when we are applying for our job always speak in English and Filipino specially when we are having interview.It is better to speak in Filipino or English properly than to speak with our own dialect that wecan't understand each other.Some can't speak English fluently.I admit,even me commiting sometimes some errors with my grammars.But we keep on trying and practicing on speaking in Filipino or Englishwell.
We should speak in English and Filipino properly for us to have easy communication with others.Because if we will not speak properly we can't understand each other.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Good Health,Better Lifestyle

We have different lifestlye especially now a days.Many people are having sick.Because of not eating nutritious food.They don't have enough money to buy for their food.They can't buy for their own goods.The deffusion of diseases, reason why many people were dying.How can we prevent diseases?
Every month of July,we are celebrating the nutrition month.It is all about our health and physical appearance.There are so many ways through healthy body.And there are so many nutritious foods to make our body healthy.By eating vegetables like horse raddish,squash,bitter melon and many.By eating vegetables andf ruits,it helps our body good looking and healthy.Avoid eating junk foods because we can't get good resistance from it to make our body healthy.Unlike the fruits and vegetables that can supply good suppliment in our body like vitamins,energy, and calcium.We need also to clean our surroundings to prevent diseases.
We need to give more importance to our health and good appearance to prevent diseases and to live longer.Having good health by eating nutritious food.Health is Wealth.