Thursday, November 12, 2009


A lot of things that I have discover and experience specially from T.L.E last Grading Period. Discoveries that stored in my mind and experiences that I can't ever forget.

Many things that I have learn from T.L.E last grading period. Activities that we did by using Notepad. We learn how to use the Basic HTML and discover about it. At first I'm wondering how does other people make their own HTML by using Notepad. Until our teacher teach us how to make our own. She teach us how to put a font face, body background color and image, and font color to make our activities better. And aside from the activities that we did, of course we did also some insights for our blog. For me I made it better than last.

I will never ever forget all the things that I've learned from this subject because I stored in my mind. I will be more responsible enough to reach my goals in my life.